Friday, October 14, 2011


Joe COLLEGE at the BOOK BARN - West Chester, PA. - Early 1960s

Baldwin's Book Barn,
850 Lenape Rd., Rte. 52,
West Chester, PA. USA. 19380

Baldwin's Book Barn was just that: a huge old Chester County stone barn filled to the rafters with used & vintage antique books. The Country Store Museum was an added attraction.
From a Kodachrome Transparency
PS: It's still there:

I worked at the Book Barn while I was at West Chester University. 

You could walk to the Barn from the WC campus. In those days it was a beautiful rural walk, past old homes and through what then reminded me of the English countryside. I doubt it's still that way today.
It was (is?) also a beautiful drive over to Chadd's Ford - Brandywine/Andrew Wyeth country.

From A Friend in Pennsylvania:
The car in your Book Barn photo is definitely a Ford, whose body looks identical to the make that Marion Crane used in driving to the Bates Motel (and which was later sunk in the neighboring bog) in Hitchcock's PSYCHO!